Thinking of Joining?
We always welcome new members. Please do come along if you are curious about the game or just give us a ring to arrange a time to come down. We play throughout the year and we will be delighted to show you what we have to offer. There is free coaching and the club has a selection of bowls for you to borrow. All you need to bring are flat-soled shoes/trainers. For wheelchair users, there are ramps that give access to the green.
Membership questions can be addressed by contacting the Club Captain: Dave Clark - 01256 762005/07961873759 ( or Membership Secretary, Desiree Gow - If you wish to join, then please complete a membership form:
Our web-site also has a Contact form that you can send us if you just want to find out more.
As seen on TV! Click on this link:
Download a Membership Form:
Or Complete a form On-line:
Either Word or pdf format